Corporate French Lessons

French learning Corporate programs

French courses for companies

French classes adapted to your company’s needs and objectives

Services for companies

  • Candidate assessment for each candidate who takes the test, you will receive their level of French as well as a French learning program with the number of weeks necessary to obtain a B2 level.
  • Face-to-face French lessons Classes start every Monday of the year (for all levels) / Day program – 22.5 hours per week
  • Online group classes (private session for companies): Program tailored to your needs
  • Our courses are also available in the evening and on weekends in private lesson format


Additionally, for more advanced candidates, we can offer a preparation program for the TEFAQ (Test necessary to obtain the CSQ – Permanent Residence)

3 to 10 hours of TEFAQ preparation – Private tutoring – (A group package is also possible)


The program includes simulations and exercises to prepare for the exam. The cost includes materials, registration and access to the working platform.

Grant programs

Edu-inter helps you with the financing process


Support service for businesses

We already work with several companies who have financed French corporate courses for their employees via programs from the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity **

  • Our school supports you throughout the process.
  • We will be with you for all the procedures and documentation to apply for grants that adapt to your business and needs.
  • Flexible dates for your employees, we can start the French classes at any time
  • Online or onsite programs are possible as well
  • Individual or group courses can be organized for your company

**The grant may cover up to 100% of the teacher’s fees as well as the hours worked of employees participating in the training. (Only apllies for Quebec based companies)


Private French Learning Program for Government Workers

Complement your classes with a private program tailored to your needs.


  • Exam preparation courses and special programs are available, including preparation for Government workers Flexible hours and schedule.
  • Combining Private and group French courses is possible as well

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