French Winter Camp

Winter program for Teens

French Winter Camp

Total French Immersion for teens during the winter

January 20th to February 16th, 2025

The winter French immersion camp for teenagers is a good opportunity to discover winter in Quebec through fun activities and winter sports. It combines French classes in the morning and multi-activity camp in the afternoon.

The perfect way to combine Intensive French courses with cultural and sports entertainment, while sharing activities outside the classroom with other students, always communicating in French.

We propose several and varied activities, conducted by our activity experts.

French Classes

Morning French classes, from 9 am to noon, are organized in different levels, and help students develop all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, in addition to attention to the study of grammar and phonetics. The French courses are offered in our main campus, Collège Mérici.

Afternoon Programs / Evenings and Weekend Activities

We offer a multi-activity program with something for everyone: culture, sport, history, outdoors, culinary…! Activities change from week to week. Evening activities plus weekend excursions are organized during the program.

Features of the French Winter Camp for Teens

  • Students learn French and live a complete French immersion experience
  • First-rate facilities
  • Balanced schedule: French in the mornings and activities in the afternoons
  • Fun and original activities
  • Qualified professors and counselors
  • Transport to all activity sites included
  • Facilities and activities adhere to safety standards
  • Final pedagogical report sent to parents


Students live in homestay with local family which offer a complete French immersion experience.

* Hotel accommodation is available for groups

Starting Dates

January 20th, 27th

February 3rd, 10th


1 to 4 weeks

Total Hours of French

30 hours per week


  • Have fun while learning basic French
  • Enjoy a wide range of recreational and cultural winter activities
  • Have a complete winter French immersion experience



French immersion through cultural activities

An effective French immersion experience, combining language classes in the morning, French-Canadian culture and fun.

The Multi-Activity Camp is operated directly by our team of dynamic counselors.

Multi-Activity Camp

After French classes, a variety of cultural and sports activities are organized for participants, led by our dedicated counselors. Students are accompanied at all times.


French Classes: 9:00 pm – 12:00 pm

Cultural and Sport Activities: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Back to homestay: 4:30 pm

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