
French Immersion Summer Camp for Teens: Frequently Asked Questions Before You Register

avril 4, 2024

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French Immersion Summer Camp for Teens: Frequently Asked Questions Before You Register

Are you a parent of a teen and want them to learn French? Shopping around for the best French immersion summer camps for teens? Wondering how you can choose the best French immersion school based on your kid’s unique needs? Take a look at our FAQ below!

What is a French Immersion Summer Camp?

A French immersion summer camp is a program that offers teens an opportunity to improve their French language skills in ways that combine learning and fun. These summer camps for teens typically take place during the summer months and are designed for students of various ages and language levels.

During a French immersion summer camp, students attend French language classes that are tailored to their specific language levels. These classes typically focus on grammar, speaking, and writing skills.

In addition, during French immersion classes, they learn about the French language and culture. This means that all activities, classes, and interactions take place in French, providing students with a total immersion experience. The goal is to create an environment where students constantly use and practice their French language skills, which helps improve their vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and comprehension.

French immersion summer camps also offer a variety of activities and classes that are both educational and entertaining. Some everyday activities include sports, arts and crafts, music, drama, cooking, and outdoor adventures. All of these activities are designed to be memorable, while also incorporating the French language into their day-to-day lives

What Are the Dates and Prices for French Immersion Summer Camp?

Edu-inter offers a wide range of options for French immersion summer camps for teens. Our summer multi-activity camp starts between June 24, 2023, and July 28, 2024.

Does your teen have a particular interest? We also hold French immersion summer camps with a focus on horseback riding, music, tennis, dramatic arts, hockey, soccer, and cooking. You can get more information on dates and prices on our Summer Camp for Teens page.

To learn more about the prices of our summer camps for teens, simply download our latest Teen Summer Price List. Note that early registration discounts are available. Talk to one of our experts to learn more and receive a quote.

What Activities and Excursions Will My Teen Experience at Your French Immersion Camp?

It all depends on what French immersion summer camp you choose. Our multi-activity French summer camp for teenagers, aged 10 to 17, offers a varied program every afternoon in collaboration with local partners and facilities. Your teen will also be able to enjoy activities with local teens.

Furthermore, Edu-inter organizes evening and weekend activities that enable teens to learn about French Québec culture and visit different areas of the province. Learn more about our multi-activity French immersion camp by visiting this page.

Would your teen prefer to combine French learning with an arts or sports program? Here are some quick links for you to find the best summer camp for your teen to learn French.

French Immersion and Music Summer Camp
French Immersion and Dramatic Arts Summer Camp
French Immersion and Circus Summer Camp
French Immersion and Cooking Summer Camp
French Immersion and Tennis Summer Camp
French Immersion and Horse Riding Summer Camp
French Immersion and Hockey Summer Camp
French Immersion and Soccer Summer Camp

What Are the Accommodations for French Immersion Summer Camp?

Students can either stay with a host family or in the student residences. Be sure to carefully read the differences between the two types of accommodations to choose the best one that suits your teen’s needs and maturity level.

What is the Curriculum and Level of Instruction at Our French Immersion Summer Camp?

Based in Québec City, Edu-inter offers a 100% French-speaking and French-learning environment. If you want to open your teen’s horizons to North American French culture or accelerate their French learning, there is no other place to be than Québec City! After all, it is renowned the world over for being the cradle of French civilization in the Americas!

All of our French immersion programs, including the frameworks for our summer camps for teens, are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They are aligned with programs offered by the Alliance Française.

While not as intense as our French immersion programs that prepare students for examinations recognized around the globe, such as the DELF, DALF, TEFaQ, TFI and TCF, our teen summer camps for French immersion are given by qualified, and experienced native French speakers.

What Should My Teen Bring to the French Immersion Summer Camp?

Attending a French immersion summer camp can be an exciting and enriching experience for teenagers. To help ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay, here are some items that your teen should consider bringing to a language immersion summer camp:

Make sure your teen brings enough clothes to last the duration of the program, taking into account the weather and activities that will be offered. It’s a good idea to bring a mix of casual clothes, activewear, and dressier outfits for special events. If the weather turns cool, your teen may also want to bring a light jacket or sweater.

Language learning materials
It’s a good idea for your teen to bring any language learning materials they may need, such as a dictionary, grammar book, or language learning software. They should also bring a notebook and pens to take notes during classes.

Your teen may want to bring some spending money for souvenirs, snacks, or other items they may want to purchase during their stay. A combination of cash and a debit or credit card is ideal. Keep in mind that Québec City is an affordable city. If your teen lives in the United States, they can use their US dollars. Nevertheless, Canadian dollars and American dollars are not at par. Exchange rates can vary a lot.

Québec City is also very safe. There are very few incidents of pickpocketing or other petty theft. Before your teen visits our city for their French immersion summer camp, take the time to explain how to ensure their safety, ensure their wallets/passports aren’t stolen, and other basic tips they would follow no matter what city or country they would visit.

Electronics: Students may want to bring a phone, tablet, or laptop for entertainment, communication with family and friends, and access to language learning resources online. They should also bring chargers and any necessary adapters if they are traveling from outside North America.

Above all, teach your teen to bring an open mind with them to their summer camp! Their journey to the world of all things French will be much more fun!

If you had any questions about signing up your teenager for our French immersion summer camp, we hope this FAQ offered the answers. For more information on the advantages of sending your adolescent to a French immersion camp, see our blog post “8 Reasons to Enroll Your Teen in a French Immersion Summer Camp.” We are eager to assist your teenager in getting the most out of their summer break by inviting them to our program.

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