
French immersion school: top 10 reasons why students love Edu-inter

marzo 10, 2024

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French immersion school: top 10 reasons why students love Edu-inter

Edu-inter is a French immersion school located in Québec City that teaches French to hundreds of foreign students each year. Whether you are an adult or young person looking for a quality French language school with a proven track record for teaching French, Edu-inter is your go-to educational partner for French immersion.

But don’t just take our word by it! Here are the top 10 reasons why students love Edu-inter as a French immersion school.

  • Benefit from a true French immersion school

    Edu-inter is based in Québec City, the cradle of French civilization in North America and the only major city in both Canada and the United States to offer a 100% French speaking environment.

  • Explore an amazing city

    Québec City is an unbelievably beautiful city that blends old-world charm with a modern flare. As a mid-size city, Québec City features all the amenities of a metropolis, but is small enough to foster a warm atmosphere. With stunning architecture, fascinating tourist attractions and the great outdoors just minutes away from the downtown core, you’ll always find new opportunities to have a good time in winter and summer—and practice your French!

  • Discover French-Canadian culture

    Quebecers have a joie-de-vivre you simply cannot find anywhere else and you will find that they are very friendly. In addition, authentic French Canadian culture permeates throughout the city, from its activities to cuisine to events. Becoming a part of French-Canadian culture will greatly facilitate your French language skills.

  • Take advantage of quality French programs

    Edu-inter prides itself in offer holistic French language programs for adults and teens that are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. These programs coincide with programs offered by the Alliance Française and prepare students for examinations recognized around the world, such as the DELF, DALF, TEFaQ, TFI and TCF.

  • Pick from a variety of different French programs

    The team at Edu-inter understands that students who learn French have different learning styles and varying needs as to the time they can spend studying French. That is why our French immersion school, Edu-inter, offers a myriad of French language programs and courses throughout the year. No matter what your length of stay in Québec City or your specific goals in learning French, Edu-inter has the right French immersion program for you.

  • Enjoy a winning combination of theory—and fun!

    Learning French indeed requires some theory. However, Edu-inter believes that learning a language can be easier when combining theory with cultural and recreational activities in French. Apart from the classroom, having fun while practicing French is a great way to overcome shyness and take your French to a whole new level!

  • Get support through comprehensive student services

    Deciding to attend a French immersion school in a new city and perhaps a new country requires support. Edu-inter provides a wide range of student services, including helping students find accommodations, arrival and departure transfer services, access to insurance, help in obtaining visas and the Certificat d’Acceptation du Québec (CAQ), and tips on preparing for your stay.

  • Study in exceptional facilities at a leading French immersion school

    Edu-inter’s French language school is located at Collège Mérici, a renowned private college with great facilities, including a fully equipped gym, modern library, computer labs and more. The college is located near Old Québec and is situated beside the Plains of Abraham, which is a haven for sports enthusiasts in both winter and summer.

  • Learn from the best French language teachers

    Edu-inter’s professors all have the required qualifications to teach French as a second language. They are all native French speakers and have extensive training in teaching students with different learning styles. Our students appreciate how accessible and patient our teachers are.

  • Open your French language studies to the world

    Edu-inter welcomes hundreds of students each year from over 30 different countries. Our French immersion school is the perfect backdrop for diversity, meeting new friends, and practicing French with equally eager students. All of our graduates are particularly grateful for the cultural ties and friendships they develop during their stays.

As you can see, studying at Edu-inter’s French immersion school offers many different benefits that simply cannot be found anywhere else. Interested in learning more? Talk to one of our French immersion counsellors today.

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